Weak Men Create Hard Times | Survival Podcast

Roadside Emergency Kit

Imagine that you are taking a road trip with your family, and you have decided to “bite the bullet” and drive late into the night hoping to get to your destination as soon as possible. You’ve been driving 80 miles per hour for 15 hours straight when suddenly the power starts to waver and suddenly the car stops dead in the middle of I-95 in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately, the actual problem with the vehicle could be anything and could take days of tedious work in order to uncover, the one thing to do is find a way out…

Urban Survival – The Importance of Safe Water in an Urban Survival Situation

When preparing your household for a disaster nothing is more important than assuring an adequate supply of clean water. In our day to day existence, fresh water is so abundant and inexpensive that we tend to overlook its true importance in our lives.

Urban Survival – Communications Following a Disaster

Following either a man made or natural disaster, normal methods of communication are frequently damaged, or clogged with calls. The following information can lessen the stress of the situation and improve your chance of survival.

Urban Survival – The Signs of Dehydration in an Urban Survival Situation

Following a disaster, natural or man made, clean drinking water is often in short supply. Coupled with the strenuous activity of clearing debris, or rebuilding your home, the risk of dehydration is always greater than normal. As a rule, the person suffering from dehydration will not be the first to notice the symptoms. In the aftermath of a disaster watch those around you closely.

Personal Protection and Self Reliance – Essential Things You Need to Know

Personal safety and security are very important today. We live in a dangerous world. For those unprepared the dangers increase. Do you know what to do to increase your own safety and personal security? Read this article to learn some vital steps and strategies you can take immediately today to improve you own personal safety and feel more confident that you can better deal with whatever unexpected situation may come your way.

Self Defense and Escape

Are you mentally ready to handle the unthinkable? Do you have an action plan? Escaping an attack is better than enduring one.

Self Defense – To Train Or Not to Train

If I train, will I be too confident and underestimate my opponent? Or should I not train, so I won’t be hampered by ‘form’. Learn why self-defense preparation is crucial.

Self Defense and Your Intuition

Trust your intuition and you may save your life. It’s o.k. to heed those little voices warning you of ‘something-not-quite-right’.

Preparing Your Home For a Natural Disaster

Hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes are natural disasters that occur on a regular basis throughout the United States. It’s imperative that homeowners who live in high risk zones be thoroughly prepared in case disaster strikes.

Hurricane Ike May Spike a Storm of Insurance Problems

Residents and businesses in Texas’ “Golden Triangle” between Beaumont, Port Arthur and Orange were devastated by the recent onslaught of Hurricane Ike, which made a direct hit along the Texas Gulf Coast near these cities. Now those residents and businesses desperately need help, including prompt and full coverage of claims made to their insurance companies. When those companies are guilty of insurance fraud and bad faith actions, a Golden Triangle hurricane property damage lawyer can help.

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