What Comes Next: These Next few Days and Weeks are Critical for The World

2012 – The Psychology of Living Underground – Community, Social Interaction & Quality of Life

During a natural catastrophe, survivors in an underground facility can achieve successful social interaction by implementing a plan to address any issues that may arise during underground daily activities. In many instances, the perception that capable management (a team in control when someone calls a subterranean 911) has been put in place can go a long way in building a level of confidence that provides peace of mind. Equally important, preservation of quality of life can contribute immensely to the success of the effort.

Better Protection With a New Flashlight Stun Gun

It is a fact that we all need to be concerned with our safety. These days we can never be too careful. This is unfortunate but it is also a reality. If you are alone a lot then you need to be extra careful and protect yourself just in case. One way that a lot of people are doing this is with a flashlight stun gun.

Bug Bite & Bee Sting First Aid and Natural Remedy Recipes

It is important that parents and caretakers have a first aid box and procedure book on hand, in the home, in the event of accidents, illnesses, and emergencies. Here are some natural remedies to disinfect, soothe, and prevent further swelling of bug bites, bee and wasp stings and first aid procedure for removing a stinger.

Recommended Emergency Disaster Survival Supplies

The ability to survive an emergency disaster situation does not depend as much on luck, as it does on being prepared. There are several simple steps that you can take immediately to increase your preparedness for an emergency disaster situation.

Additional Items For an Emergency Preparedness Survival Kit

Your basic emergency survival preparedness kit will contain the most essential items such as water, food, a battery operated radio and flashlight. But it is also important to remember that other factors such as your particular location (flood, tornado or hurricane zone), your local weather, personal/family medical needs, and pets, will also impact what your survival kit should contain.

How to Prepare an Emergency Water Supply

The first item in any emergency survival kit should be water. An adequate supply of clean, drinkable water is a top priority during survival preparedness. The average, active person should drink approximately 2 quarts of water a day. If you live in a hotter climate you will need to drink more, as will children and nursing mothers.

Emergency Water Sources in Your Home

A safe and secure water source is always a top priority when you are preparing for an emergency disaster situation. Unfortunately, natural disasters and emergency survival situations are not known for being predictable. If you should find yourself in an emergency disaster situation, without a supply of fresh water, you still have several options.

How to Treat Contaminated Water

If you live in an area where natural disasters are likely to occur, such as a flood plain, hurricane or tornado region, or a known earthquake zone, you hopefully have an adequate supply of water stored in advance. However, in rare emergency disaster situations, after you have used all of your stored water, or when no reliable sources of water are available, you will need to treat all water of uncertain quality.

Emergency Disaster First Aid Supplies

An emergency first aid kit should contain a variety of basic supplies that will enable you to handle the most typical, non-life threatening injuries. You can either purchase a pre-assembled first aid kit, or create your own.

How Do I Survive 2012?

2012 is actually not that far away. Those of you who already know how and what you need to do to prepare for it, realize that now is the time to act and learn how to prepare for 2012. If you’re asking yourself how do I survive 2012?

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