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Survival Gear – The Doomsday Prepper’s Guide

Among the most common disruptions to a normal life are financial problems and medical issues. So the sane prepper prioritizes these two. Personal financial health statistics in the US are shocking – over 50% of people cannot manage a $500 emergency without their credit cards. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to improve your personal situation and survive the next disaster. Here are some tips to help you start survival prepping. But don’t forget about the basics!

The basic elements of survival prepping are food, water, and safe shelter. While having a stockpile of food and water will provide a great advantage in an emergency, it’s important to remember that people will always try to attack people who have the means of survival. Therefore, armed prepper is a must. In addition, prepper should be knowledgeable about survival self-defense. For example, they should learn to shoot a pistol, as this will give them an advantage over an attacker.

A serious prepper will consider the possible enemies of their stockpile and family. The threat of attack from ex-military types should be a consideration. Knowing the enemy and taking steps to ward off such adversaries is critical. You must ensure the safety of your family and stockpile. But a good prepper will also consider their security and ward off threats. This article discusses these and other aspects of survival prepping.

Besides the books, there are several online resources to guide you in your survival planning. A blog can help you build rapport with the community and even gain business. Customers in the survival prep industry value trust. You need to convey a sense of safety and security to attract them. To avoid being abused by customers, you should understand the various crises that are driving this industry. Remember that people will be motivated to buy your products if they feel they can trust you and your products.

Among the most essential items that you should be ready for are water, food, and generators. If disaster strikes, it is imperative to have emergency supplies like first aid supplies and fire extinguishers. And don’t forget to think about your escape routes, as well. Whether you prepare to be prepared or not, it is worth the effort. And remember: survival preparation requires extended planning and time. As you prepare for a disaster, you’ll have to evaluate your normal life and priorities.

Don’t be tempted to double dip and buy everything in one go. There are several ways to save money on emergency preparation. If you can’t afford to buy a lot of expensive items, make sure you’re able to make do without them. Try to stick to simple, high-quality items. Buying cheap ones will only lead to failure and a cluttered emergency situation. Also, consider purchasing freeze-dried foods, which are meant to last longer than their canned counterparts. Some of them even have a 30+-year shelf life.

You can also follow the Warrior Tribe, which is led by an infantry veteran. These groups provide specialized training and tips. The Warrior Tribe is another popular group of like-minded people. They publish a 22-week Saturday survival series, which teaches you to be prepared. Another popular blog for survival is Practical Survival Blog. Here, you’ll learn from real-life survivalists how to survive in a world without electricity.

Preparation for an emergency can take many forms. You may decide to go for an all-inclusive kit for your home, or you can opt for a specific kit based on your location. Remember that the survival prepping mindset can hit you at any age. Preparing for a disaster will not be easy on the body. If you’ve got chronic health problems, stockpiling meds and supplements will ensure your survival.

Knowledge is power. Survivalists believe that knowledge is the most valuable resource. Survival guides, survival info, and military manuals are available at Prepping to Survive. Their archive includes everything from basic survival information to detailed survival guides. They even provide military manuals on topics ranging from map reading to guerilla warfare. In addition to the basic survival kits, survivalists should have an emergency manual on their shelves. It will be helpful to have the information handy so you can perform basic emergency medical procedures.

One of the most important items in a survival kit is clean water. Without access to clean water, you will become dehydrated within three days. Dehydration can lead to a headache, exhaustion, and even death. One gallon of water per person is sufficient, but more is recommended for hotter regions. Water is also needed for rehydrating freeze-dried food and washing clothes. Therefore, it is imperative to stock up on water in case you ever need it.

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